Friday, June 19, 2015

Senate Presidents Cremation Ceremony

The president of Cambodian's senate, Cheu Sim, died last week and a elaborate buddhist cremation ceremony was held.

Precession started at Senate building and passed just a block away from our apartment

Wood for the cremation
 Flowers were handed out to thousands of government workers assigned to attend

 Thirty thousand attended...white shirts, so we fit in well
 Police lined much of the mile long procession

Stopped along the way to talk with a young monk who spoke English well and was excited in having his photo taken

 Military formal dress...

Stupa was constructed in three days for this Buddhist Khmer traditional ceremony

Decorated military general eagerly approached and posed for this photograph

 Casket was loaded on automatic ramp and placed at the top of this Stupa

King Norodom attended and lit the fire...

Queen mother who's birthday was the day before and entire country celebrated

Military bands and formations surrounded this temporary Stupa in Wat Botom Park central Phnom Penh

Foreign diplomats were seated in specially constructed buildings placed both sides of the Stupa...We met with the Under Secretary of Cult and Religion two days earilier and expressed our condolances to the government on behalf of the Church. The Ministary of Cult and Religion was tasked with this elaborate Buddhist cremation ceremony

 Always fun kids to entertain...students were given off school to attend

A few fireworks were lit and the cremation began...


  1. Wow this is all amazing. Such a big event for them. You guys were up close.. With all the official people?

  2. It's so interesting and incredible to see how different things are. and yes oh were close... beautiful photographs as always pops
