Thursday, February 5, 2015

Steung Mean Chey "River of Success"

Trash Mountain

The church humanitarian group has combined with other NGO’s to assist those living at the edge of an old city dump, with housing.  The government has moved the municipal dump to another area, and now prevents people from scavenging through trash for substance.  The church found a number of their members who were living at the dumps edge, were being evicted by greedy landlords who were charging high rents to these people who live in these tiny dwellings.  The church is bringing one room stilted housing, with water collection, and waist disposal to many, as you can see from the new constructed units.  Building challenges exist from the hundreds of feet of trash which has stacked and which has collected for decades.  As they sink foundation holes, they become immediately fill with toxic water preventing cement curing. 

The children wear next to nothing, yet carry great big smiles.  We were approached by so many who would grasp our hands and want to show us around.  Never did we see anyone ask for anything, and even the adults would only greet us with rich, warm smiles.

We have never experienced such a warmth of human acceptance, and love, as was experienced this afternoon at “Trash Mountain” outside of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  If you ever get the opportunity to read the Rent Collector, you will get a feel for the extraordinary people of “Trash Mountain.”


  1. wow... i love the two little boys with the arm around each other.

  2. I can't even imagine. Loving all these pictures dad! good work, and keep posting.
