Saturday, February 21, 2015

"Killing Fields" Note: This is post might not be suited for small children

There is sadness for all that was lost here in the “Killing Fields” of Cambodia.

What happened here to these people of Cambodia, under the evil leader Pol Pot, whose regime killed many as 3 million Cambodians, and at the time there were only 8 million, is a tragic event of great sorrow.  One out of four Cambodians killed by their own evil people, executed because of hatred, ignorance and fear.

Many victims were not even dead when they were pushed into these pits that served as graves. DDT was then spread on the bodies, finishing the job, and disguising the stench of decay

On either side of the dike around this lake, are over 40 graves (the numbers in each grave are not known) still undisturbed, many under water, remaining in peace.

Babies died here too, killed before their mothers’ eyes.
One of the Khmer Rouge slogans.
“To dig up the grass, one must remove even the roots”

This big tree is called the Killing Tree. Soldiers grabbed babies by their legs, smashed their heads against the trunk and tossed them into the pit.  A sad loss feeling exists at this hallowed spot. 
It was quick and easy to kill children, and when one member of a family was murdered usually the rest of the family was killed too, that way no one would be left alive to seek revenge.  Evil is evil…

It’s hard to believe that people can do such things, Cambodians killing Cambodians.

This is the Magic Tree. The “magic” was sound – loud speakers hung in branches broadcasting revolutionary songs, for many the last thing they heard; and to drown out the screams of others being murdered. 

Over 20,000 people were murdered here at Choeung Ek the “killing fields.”  Throughout the country there are over 300 killing fields, some still undisturbed, and many still surrounded by land mines.

Today, fragments still remain in the ground. The skulls and large bones from the bodies were put into this Stupa, which gives honor to the dead. The first ten levels house almost 9000 skulls, arranged so as you look at the skulls, you can see how these victims were killed. 

This place is known as the Choeung Ek Genocidal Center, and has beautiful trees and a peaceful feeling. But as you are walking along and look down you see the fragments of cloth and bone. 

These people were deemed as a threat to Pol Pot’s “pure society.” Those targeted included educated people, professionals, teachers, doctors and lawyers. Anyone who could speak a foreign language, or had soft hands, anyone who wore glasses!  Anyone religious, Monks, nuns, and city dwellers were potential enemies of the state, were killed. And, anyone else who questioned or defied the Khmer Rouge were taken to the killing fields.

Bullets were expensive, so the Khmer Rouge did not shoot people; they were beaten and hacked to death, axes, hoes, cart axles, machetes, bamboo poles, and hammers.

Here is a sugar palm tree with large spiky leaves. You see these trees allover Cambodia. The sugar palm is used for sweetening, and thatching, and fuel. Supporting the fan leaves you can see hard sharp ridges of the plant, with saw like branches, which were used to cut prisoners’ throats, killing without any sound. 


This week’s newspaper had an article on the current trial of one of the last Khmer Rouge leaders still alive.

When you read about historical events this tragic, you hope they never happen in your lifetime.  This one did.


  1. Such a sad sad place. Crazy how evil people can be. Makes me even more grateful for the gospel and the peace it brings. Thanks for sharing:)

  2. How heart wrenching. I'm sure you already love the people Chris and its so evil

  3. Evil is evil, and unfortunately, these evil acts are still being done around the world, Genocide is something happening now, in our time. Its why its so important to talk about it. To tell the world we are all children of God, and elect leaders who wont tolerate places like the killing fields to be created.. Thankyou for sharing.
